谢芝灵 发表于 2023-12-28 16:36






谢芝灵 发表于 2023-12-29 09:52

Overview: How Does the Paper "The Continuity of Prime Numbers Can Lead to the Continuity of Even Numbers" Relate to the Goldbach Conjecture

Ling Xie
ChinaAmateur club unit: Institute of Cosmic mathematical physics, Basic Concept Definition Discipline Room

Abstract:Thepaper"Thecontinuityofprimenumberscanleadtothecontinuity of even numbers" proposes three clever methods to prove theGoldbachconjecturefromanotherpaththathumansneveranticipated and was also the correct path. "The continuity of prime numbers can lead to the continuity of even numbers" A preprint has previously been published (Xie ling. 2021).

Keywords:Number theory, Goldbach conjecture,The arrangement of prime and even numbers,Complete mathematical induction, Bertrand Chebyshev theorem.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11P32,11U05, 11N05, 11P70.
页: [1]
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